DOAX3 Guides and Tips!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Getting Closer to Level 80! (A few images!)

I'm at level 76 now, so I'm getting closer to having full galleries of the girls in swimsuits.  Once I get some saved on my HD and have a bit of a backlog, I'll post one daily.  I've kind of slowed on leveling since I've been grinding owner money to purchase DLC, and the Owner specific suits for the girls so I have them available whenever I need them in the future for missions or whatnot.

Here are a few images of the girls I haven't featured yet (no reason why they're last - just random):

Ayane in the Manx:

Hitomi in the Alexander:

Momiji in the Gibbous:

1 comment:

  1. Congrats if you've gotten to level 80 now! :)
